Welcome! We’re glad you’re here!

 Q: Are there Sunday School classes, and are there classes for every age group?

A: Yes, we have several adult classes to choose from. Teens and children’s classes are divided by age, including a nursery. There are always two adults serving in every children’s class. Please see the Map on the Lobby table labeled “Map of Classroom Areas.”


Q: Is there a secure nursery at other times?

A: We have a completely equipped nursery with loving servers, for birth up to 2 years old open at every service time, except for during our business meeting once a month on a Wednesday night, or unforeseen circumstances.


Q: Do you have Children’s Church, or are they in the main Service?

A: The children are in church for the singing portion of our Sunday morning worship. Then there is Children’s Church for first through 6th grade, where the Bible is explained at a level in a way they will love it, learn how to use it in their lives, and have fun, too.


Q: Is your 6:00 Sunday night service a duplicate of your Sunday morning?

A: No! There is different music and the sermon is also different.


Q: Is there any other kind of Bible study and fellowship?

A: • At 5:00 on Sundays, we have Discipleship Training geared for adults, teens, and children.  Our 7:00 Wednesday service is another Bible study time. These are both interactive sessions where people can learn deeper truths in the Bible and participate in thoughtful questions and answers.

• Periodically, we have churchwide fellowships with food, and also many age group-targeted events throughout the year. You can see some of our past Special Events Photos at our website, dogwoodgrovebaptist.org.


Q: What kind of ministries do you have, for church members and the community?

A: We’re so glad you’re asking! From serving and being served within and outside our church, see the attached sheet, “DGBC Ministries,” or the Ministries section included in the top Tabs on our website as mentioned above.


Q: How can I get active serving at DGBC?

A: There are many places you can get plugged in, and people who will help you do so: Music, Teen and Children’s ministries and activities, Hospitality, Technology, Grounds, Mission opportunities, and more.


Q: Do you serve Lord’s Supper, and how often?

A: You can experience the Lord’s Supper with us at least four times per year and sometimes more as our pastor prayerfully considers it, generally during the Sunday night services. Our communion is open to all who consider themselves to be born-again Christians.